November, 2019 Newsletter
This is a friendly reminder that if you want a 2019 V-8 Registry t-shirt, your Deluxe Membership renewal must be completed by January 6, 2019. Be sure to include your shirt size. The 2019 shirt will be aquatic blue (a new bright color) with the logos in a contrasting color. The year will appear on the front of the shirt under the logo like we did in 2018 for the first time. These shirts are made to order. Chuck Rust who owns Star Silkscreen screens the shirts in a single run to control cost. If your order is not received by January 6, 2019; you will receive an ash colored shirt that we keep in stock as our standard shirt.
This is also a reminder that we are only accepting 2019 memberships that are completed on-line. No copies of the renewal form mailed with a check are considered acceptable for 2019. We understand that this policy may affect certain members who use a computer rarely or not at all. We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. For those members, we suggest that you ask a friend or relative to complete your renewal form and then send your check to Paul Beck our Treasurer. Copies of newsletters will no longer be mailed to members (w/ no email address) by way of the US Postal Service. It becomes very time consuming to mail newsletters as this group grows. The three officers automatically receive copies of all renewals electronically and use this renewal form for various internal records. Here's a quick link to the renewal form:
Over a 140 ID Tags have been requested and mailed to members for their conversions. When renewing, the form includes information for ordering your free ID Tag. If you haven't requested a tag yet and want one, here's the rules:
1. Submit the car's VIN
2. Send a brief description of the drivetrain including the year and model
3. Submit one or more pictures
4. The conversion must be 80% complete to qualify
To help members recognize other members, we are asking that everyone submit a picture of yourself. Ideally, we would like a picture of you standing next to or sitting in your conversion. This picture will become the opening picture on your personal page. Use this link to send picture(s):
Scroll to the bottom of the 'CONTACT US' page to upload pictures. Some members have already submitted photos and they have been loaded to their personal page.
I was expecting some details on the 2019 Workshop by now, but that's not the case. For those planning to attend, the only information that I have indicates it will be held the first weekend in March at LeVair Performance & Restoration in Fayetteville, TN. This is Michael and Tracy LeVeque's new shop location. We will update everyone when information is available.
Do you remember the black Corsa coupe with fiberglass body panels that was for sale in 2012 and featured on Youtube video? A number of members have an interest in this car, but all signs of this really sharp conversion disappeared. Several people reported that it sold for $12,000, but no one has seen it since 2012. One member has continued to track this car. Mark Allen sent out a 'posse' to find it. After a lot of searching and some work by a private investigator, the location and owner of the car was determined. A visit the the address revealed a possible vacant home. The shop and house are the same buildings pictured in the video per Mark. The location is about 14 miles from where the 2019 CORSA convention is scheduled. Perhaps the members can go on a 'snipe hunt' this summer to see if the car is still hiding in the building. Here's a link to the video if you are unfamiliar with this car:
It looks like a car that everyone would enjoy owning. One of our members in Germany is very interested in this car too. If anyone has seen it lately, please send me a note.
The Registry now has a number of members who have installed EPS in their conversions this year. Paul Beck brought his conversion to the convention this summer and many of us had an opportunity to try it out first hand. Now we have other members interested in the same installation. This interest prompted the Registry to ask one of our members to write a set of instructions for installing EPS. Guy Desjardins in Quebec who used the same kit as Paul offered to write instructions and did so. Now a group of members plan to meet in Decatur, IL on December 18th to install EPS on one of Mark Allen's cars. We will use Guy Desjardins instructions to do the installation. The event will be video taped and photographed to make it easy for anyone to follow. These instructions and video will be made available to V-8 Registry members and then we plan to offer the project to CORSA for publication in the Communique as a Tech Guide.
John Lanning
This is a friendly reminder that if you want a 2019 V-8 Registry t-shirt, your Deluxe Membership renewal must be completed by January 6, 2019. Be sure to include your shirt size. The 2019 shirt will be aquatic blue (a new bright color) with the logos in a contrasting color. The year will appear on the front of the shirt under the logo like we did in 2018 for the first time. These shirts are made to order. Chuck Rust who owns Star Silkscreen screens the shirts in a single run to control cost. If your order is not received by January 6, 2019; you will receive an ash colored shirt that we keep in stock as our standard shirt.
This is also a reminder that we are only accepting 2019 memberships that are completed on-line. No copies of the renewal form mailed with a check are considered acceptable for 2019. We understand that this policy may affect certain members who use a computer rarely or not at all. We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. For those members, we suggest that you ask a friend or relative to complete your renewal form and then send your check to Paul Beck our Treasurer. Copies of newsletters will no longer be mailed to members (w/ no email address) by way of the US Postal Service. It becomes very time consuming to mail newsletters as this group grows. The three officers automatically receive copies of all renewals electronically and use this renewal form for various internal records. Here's a quick link to the renewal form:
Over a 140 ID Tags have been requested and mailed to members for their conversions. When renewing, the form includes information for ordering your free ID Tag. If you haven't requested a tag yet and want one, here's the rules:
1. Submit the car's VIN
2. Send a brief description of the drivetrain including the year and model
3. Submit one or more pictures
4. The conversion must be 80% complete to qualify
To help members recognize other members, we are asking that everyone submit a picture of yourself. Ideally, we would like a picture of you standing next to or sitting in your conversion. This picture will become the opening picture on your personal page. Use this link to send picture(s):
Scroll to the bottom of the 'CONTACT US' page to upload pictures. Some members have already submitted photos and they have been loaded to their personal page.
I was expecting some details on the 2019 Workshop by now, but that's not the case. For those planning to attend, the only information that I have indicates it will be held the first weekend in March at LeVair Performance & Restoration in Fayetteville, TN. This is Michael and Tracy LeVeque's new shop location. We will update everyone when information is available.
Do you remember the black Corsa coupe with fiberglass body panels that was for sale in 2012 and featured on Youtube video? A number of members have an interest in this car, but all signs of this really sharp conversion disappeared. Several people reported that it sold for $12,000, but no one has seen it since 2012. One member has continued to track this car. Mark Allen sent out a 'posse' to find it. After a lot of searching and some work by a private investigator, the location and owner of the car was determined. A visit the the address revealed a possible vacant home. The shop and house are the same buildings pictured in the video per Mark. The location is about 14 miles from where the 2019 CORSA convention is scheduled. Perhaps the members can go on a 'snipe hunt' this summer to see if the car is still hiding in the building. Here's a link to the video if you are unfamiliar with this car:
It looks like a car that everyone would enjoy owning. One of our members in Germany is very interested in this car too. If anyone has seen it lately, please send me a note.
The Registry now has a number of members who have installed EPS in their conversions this year. Paul Beck brought his conversion to the convention this summer and many of us had an opportunity to try it out first hand. Now we have other members interested in the same installation. This interest prompted the Registry to ask one of our members to write a set of instructions for installing EPS. Guy Desjardins in Quebec who used the same kit as Paul offered to write instructions and did so. Now a group of members plan to meet in Decatur, IL on December 18th to install EPS on one of Mark Allen's cars. We will use Guy Desjardins instructions to do the installation. The event will be video taped and photographed to make it easy for anyone to follow. These instructions and video will be made available to V-8 Registry members and then we plan to offer the project to CORSA for publication in the Communique as a Tech Guide.
John Lanning