V-8 Registry Newsletter, Volume 9, Number 4
V-8 Registry Members,
The Mini-Convention scheduled for May 18-22 in Springfield, IL is still on track to take place. We look forward to seeing many of you there after all these months of . Some changes were made to accommodate the convention schedule. The V-8 Registry Workshop has been rescheduled to Friday, May 21 instead of Saturday. The new time is 4-7 PM. The Workshop will be held at Mark Allen's SPEED-LUBE Complete Auto Care located at 926 East Eldorado Street in Decatur, IL 62521.
During the workshop members will be allowed to place their conversions on a car lift in Mark's facility and to offer a 15-20 minute presentation on the special features of their conversions. This is planned as an informal event; so no one should feel self conscious about offering the members some insight into how these builds were designed and fabricated. During the event our host will provide our members and guest with drinks (beer included), salad and pizza at no charge to anyone attending. Mark and Linda, his wife, operate a chain of pizza restaurants in the area from which the food and refreshments are provided. This event should offer everyone an opportunity to meet one on one with fellow members in a casual atmosphere. We look forward to a good turnout. Members should buddy-up for transportation to the workshop. No special transportation was arranged for this event. The drive from Springfield to Decatur is less than an hour.
On Thursday, May 20, the annual autocross is scheduled in the hotel parking lot during most of the day. To date only 5 members have indicated that their conversions will compete in this event. Only CORSA members will be allowed to participate in the autocross and the late registration fee is now $45. Here's the good news. The V-8 Registry will offer a cash award of $100 to the member with the fastest time of day (FTD) from either Class SC1 or SM2. If that member also has the FTD for all classes, an additional $100 award will be offered.
For those that have not had an opportunity to visit the Corvair Museum, here's your best opportunity since it's now located in Springfield, IL close to the convention site. The museum is open all week long; so everyone should find time to take a tour. Here's additional information about the convention.
When sending pictures of your car for inclusion on your personal page of the V-8 Registry website, use the 'CONTACT US' tab to provide narrative and pictures. Please, do not text pictures and narrative to my cell phone. My phone is not set up to forward pictures to Rick Andersen. Also, do not text pictures to Rick. Use the following link: https://www.v8registry.com/contact-us.html
Looking forward to meeting a number of you at the convention. Go Fast, but Stay Safe
John Lanning
V-8 Registry Members,
The Mini-Convention scheduled for May 18-22 in Springfield, IL is still on track to take place. We look forward to seeing many of you there after all these months of . Some changes were made to accommodate the convention schedule. The V-8 Registry Workshop has been rescheduled to Friday, May 21 instead of Saturday. The new time is 4-7 PM. The Workshop will be held at Mark Allen's SPEED-LUBE Complete Auto Care located at 926 East Eldorado Street in Decatur, IL 62521.
During the workshop members will be allowed to place their conversions on a car lift in Mark's facility and to offer a 15-20 minute presentation on the special features of their conversions. This is planned as an informal event; so no one should feel self conscious about offering the members some insight into how these builds were designed and fabricated. During the event our host will provide our members and guest with drinks (beer included), salad and pizza at no charge to anyone attending. Mark and Linda, his wife, operate a chain of pizza restaurants in the area from which the food and refreshments are provided. This event should offer everyone an opportunity to meet one on one with fellow members in a casual atmosphere. We look forward to a good turnout. Members should buddy-up for transportation to the workshop. No special transportation was arranged for this event. The drive from Springfield to Decatur is less than an hour.
On Thursday, May 20, the annual autocross is scheduled in the hotel parking lot during most of the day. To date only 5 members have indicated that their conversions will compete in this event. Only CORSA members will be allowed to participate in the autocross and the late registration fee is now $45. Here's the good news. The V-8 Registry will offer a cash award of $100 to the member with the fastest time of day (FTD) from either Class SC1 or SM2. If that member also has the FTD for all classes, an additional $100 award will be offered.
For those that have not had an opportunity to visit the Corvair Museum, here's your best opportunity since it's now located in Springfield, IL close to the convention site. The museum is open all week long; so everyone should find time to take a tour. Here's additional information about the convention.
When sending pictures of your car for inclusion on your personal page of the V-8 Registry website, use the 'CONTACT US' tab to provide narrative and pictures. Please, do not text pictures and narrative to my cell phone. My phone is not set up to forward pictures to Rick Andersen. Also, do not text pictures to Rick. Use the following link: https://www.v8registry.com/contact-us.html
Looking forward to meeting a number of you at the convention. Go Fast, but Stay Safe
John Lanning