JULY 24, 2024
The Annual Meeting of the V-8 Registry was held during the CORSA International
Convention in Dayton, OH. The meeting was conducted in the Marriott Dayton
conference room on Thursday, July 24, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 8:02
PM. by President John Lanning. Twenty-eight members and three guests were in
attendance. No CORSA Officers and Directors were present.
Minutes from the 2023 meeting were posted on the Registry website and were approved
without additions or corrections. Copies of the Financial Statement for the previous 12
months ending July 31, 2024 were passed around. A total balance in the bank account of
$2,186.02 was reported. Copies were made available and the report was approved. A
copy of the report will be posted for viewing on the Registry website.
At the last Annual Meeting Acting Chairman Paul Beck reviewed plans for holding the
membership fee at $10 annually and indicated that with the retirement of Chuck Rust, the
price of t-shirts would change. Chairman Lanning provided samples of printed shirts
available from a vendor named Fully Promoted in Louisville, KY. Shirts in ash, yellow
and light blue were displayed for comments. The members agreed that the blue shirt
should be eliminated because the logos don’t display well and all agreed that a white t-
shirt should be offered in place of the blue one. Pricing was discussed and the members
were informed that Fully Promoted would be responsible for printing, packaging and
mailing shirts from their on-line shop. Total cost for ordering a V-8 Registry shirt will be
about $37.00 each. A newsletter will detail information about placing an order on the on-
line store. As indicated, dues will remain at $10 annually.
License plates, patches, window stickers and magnetic signs will still be available from
the V-8 Registry on-line store and will not be handled by our shirt vendor.
The Chairman made comments about the V-8 Registry Facebook Group and our Forum.
Activity on Facebook continues to increase and the Forum is falling behind. John
reviewed the differences between the two platforms with one socially directed and the
other more technical. The Forum offers a place to get/give advice, sell cars and parts, post
build information about projects.
Chairman Lanning reported that car ID Tags are still available at no charge to members
with cars that are at least 80% completed. To date, 154 ID Tags have been issued to
members. ID Tags are pop riveted to the underside of the deck lid. Each tag is
individually numbered.
The topic of new replacement officers for the group was again addressed. Without by-
laws to guide the replacement of officers, volunteers are encouraged to offer their
services. The current officers have been in office since 2012. With no new nominations,
the current officers were voted in to serve another term by those present. Chairman
Lanning asked the members to do a little soul searching and to step up to one of the
officer positions.
Members were encouraged to attend the autocross scheduled for Friday at Kil-Kare
Raceway. With 13 V-8 Conversions in attendance, a convention record, the autocross
should be an interesting event.
The Chairman announced that this is the fourth time for offering the Ted Trevor Award
that was introduced in 2021 by CORSA for Corvairs competing from Class SM-2 and
SC-1. He also announced that a check for $100 would be awarded to the winner.
The People’s Choice Award was awarded to Don Kosanka. His black beauty with C5
suspension and differential was a convention highlight.
With no further business to transact the meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM. Minutes of the
meeting will be submitted to CORSA.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Lanning, President
JULY 24, 2024
The Annual Meeting of the V-8 Registry was held during the CORSA International
Convention in Dayton, OH. The meeting was conducted in the Marriott Dayton
conference room on Thursday, July 24, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 8:02
PM. by President John Lanning. Twenty-eight members and three guests were in
attendance. No CORSA Officers and Directors were present.
Minutes from the 2023 meeting were posted on the Registry website and were approved
without additions or corrections. Copies of the Financial Statement for the previous 12
months ending July 31, 2024 were passed around. A total balance in the bank account of
$2,186.02 was reported. Copies were made available and the report was approved. A
copy of the report will be posted for viewing on the Registry website.
At the last Annual Meeting Acting Chairman Paul Beck reviewed plans for holding the
membership fee at $10 annually and indicated that with the retirement of Chuck Rust, the
price of t-shirts would change. Chairman Lanning provided samples of printed shirts
available from a vendor named Fully Promoted in Louisville, KY. Shirts in ash, yellow
and light blue were displayed for comments. The members agreed that the blue shirt
should be eliminated because the logos don’t display well and all agreed that a white t-
shirt should be offered in place of the blue one. Pricing was discussed and the members
were informed that Fully Promoted would be responsible for printing, packaging and
mailing shirts from their on-line shop. Total cost for ordering a V-8 Registry shirt will be
about $37.00 each. A newsletter will detail information about placing an order on the on-
line store. As indicated, dues will remain at $10 annually.
License plates, patches, window stickers and magnetic signs will still be available from
the V-8 Registry on-line store and will not be handled by our shirt vendor.
The Chairman made comments about the V-8 Registry Facebook Group and our Forum.
Activity on Facebook continues to increase and the Forum is falling behind. John
reviewed the differences between the two platforms with one socially directed and the
other more technical. The Forum offers a place to get/give advice, sell cars and parts, post
build information about projects.
Chairman Lanning reported that car ID Tags are still available at no charge to members
with cars that are at least 80% completed. To date, 154 ID Tags have been issued to
members. ID Tags are pop riveted to the underside of the deck lid. Each tag is
individually numbered.
The topic of new replacement officers for the group was again addressed. Without by-
laws to guide the replacement of officers, volunteers are encouraged to offer their
services. The current officers have been in office since 2012. With no new nominations,
the current officers were voted in to serve another term by those present. Chairman
Lanning asked the members to do a little soul searching and to step up to one of the
officer positions.
Members were encouraged to attend the autocross scheduled for Friday at Kil-Kare
Raceway. With 13 V-8 Conversions in attendance, a convention record, the autocross
should be an interesting event.
The Chairman announced that this is the fourth time for offering the Ted Trevor Award
that was introduced in 2021 by CORSA for Corvairs competing from Class SM-2 and
SC-1. He also announced that a check for $100 would be awarded to the winner.
The People’s Choice Award was awarded to Don Kosanka. His black beauty with C5
suspension and differential was a convention highlight.
With no further business to transact the meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM. Minutes of the
meeting will be submitted to CORSA.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Lanning, President